And so I jump on the blogwagon!
With a veritable cacophony of words already spinning around the stratosphere, I have resisted thus far, wondering if what I had to say could possibly be 'better than silence'. (Who knew Pythagoras said something profound other than a2+b2=c2 ?).
Writing is my natural reaction to the vagaries life throws us. It is what I do between my other jobs of parenting four kids/managing a household/being a landlord/running a small business (kiwifruit farm & a very low-key B&B).
I have always wished I was Joy Cowley, but apparently that position is already taken. Suffice to be myself (no-one does that job quite like me!), I intend this blog, then, to make use of the wonderful, free, expansive gift that is the internet, to get my writing 'out there'.
Photo from Hayla Delano
Kate De Goldi (of The 10pm Question- great read for adults & teens, and one that I can relate to as I often enact my own version of the 10pm discussion in my own home with my teenage son!) incites us to write, saying we provide 'windows and mirrors' in our words- windows through which we see other people's lives, and mirrors where our own lives are reflected back at us. Both windows and mirrors provide more understanding of ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in.
I know the process of writing helps me find windows and mirrors, which brings me closer to discovery of self. Hopefully along the way you have a good giggle and the odd ‘ah ha’ moment, too.
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